Freelancing and Rate: Get What You’re Worth, KNOW What You’re Worth


I love Sara Horowitz and the Freelancers Union.  But I especially love this most recent posting on fee rates and freelancing, because the waters of setting your own rate are rocky, and fears of charging too much or too little can paralyze us into waffling.

Here’s the article: How To Get Paid…

But if you want the digest, take these bullet points–

  • Know your own worth, and don’t be afraid to charge what you’re worth
  • Research your market
  • Have a system
  • Know that it’s your job to communicate your value, and to educate your client about just what you provide

Sometimes, we fly by the seats of our trousers, and that works.  But don’t balance your livelihood on a zipline fling with a hook in your belt loop.  Investing time in yourself, your business, and confidence in your value speaks volumes — in fact, it shows your client you’re worth the cash shelled out.

Know what you’re worth, and act like you’re worth it.

But check the article out for some in-depth suggestions for just how to calculate what you need, and how to offer it.