My Latest: Book Review – Sophisticated Peasant


Whether cooking for kicks, or cooking because of a dietary necessity, you don’t need to cook crock. Cooking, Sharon Kane shows, can be both healing and enjoyable, creative and fulfilling.

An excerpt from my review of Kane’s The Sophisticated Peasant (available online via PDF) can be found below.

[You can also find a full copy of the review at Tumbling Gluten Free ]


We have had a funny divorce in our Western world. The divorce of food from nourishment. The divorce of food from community. We pit the concept of eating for pleasure against the concept of eating well, as if we ought to be able to drown our taste buds in yum, even if it abuses our bodies, or abuse our tastebuds with muck, just so as to “nourish” our bodies.
But that is a false dichotomy.  Food that nourishes should be food that pleases, and vice versa, and there is nothing inherently opposed in either concept.
Peasant, and Sharon’s wonderfully integrative approach to eating and meal preparation, re-marry pleasure and nourishment.