My Latest: Actually, An Oldest


From the digital vaults of The Wall Literary Journal, this short story etches time and space, I hope, into the heart and mind, and tacks them down with the face and fingers of the old, uncannily prayerful babushka.

I enjoyed writing this short piece immensely. The fact that an old mentor forwarded it to me today — newly digital in the college archives — was a good sign to post it.


If you enjoyed this, and are not looking for contract branding, writing, or editing work, but simply want to support an artist, hop over to my Patreon for Shiki’s Strings & Small Things here. Become a Patron!

A Cure For Celiac?


Published in Gluten Free and More Magazine, I discuss what curing celiac may look like. Is it possible? Is the cure near? Or is dealing with the present just as, if not more, important?

Anya is 5. She is gluten-free and dairy-free, and like most children facing the “why can they have candy and I can’t” agony of early diagnosis, she had a hard time this Easter. “You can still be happy at Easter,” I told her, “Even without the candy.” She just wailed, “But hooooow?”

A Cure? Read on at GF and More.