Weird Works: Freelancing, Freelancers Union, BRANDING



Some of the best support I ever received in growing a business skips right along with THIS article (Why being weird works)

Be. YOU.

One hears the siren call of branding; the blast to put fangs into your FB posts; SEO and key words.  Don’t deviate!

The truth of the matter is, there’s balance.  Consistency is important.

But do you know what?  Being odd gets you clients; and being you is what you’re hired for — your audacity, your authenticity, your quirks and talents.  Communicate yourself well, with art and diligence and enthusiasm. But don’t  dumb down your highs, or spike your lows.  You don’t need to mainstream; you don’t need to slick.

Be an audacious son of a monkey.

Your words are important; and as important as your words is your voice.  Anyone can write empower; educate;  connect.  Who do those words connect to though?

To put it visually: Anyone can type a branding concept or word.  But what’s your font?  And where do you fling that beauty,  and with what heart or head or intent?

As the excellent freelancer does below, I shall quote Gervais: “People everywhere in the world will recognize and appreciate… innovation…. From my own experiences I’ve learned that quirky, different, fringe projects that may only be cult, often travel a lot better internationally. “

Travel yourself internationally.  Communicate well.  But don’t feel the compulsion to slick your metaphoric-hair down and stick to talking points.

If you’re an artist, a freelancer, a speaker, your audacity, your you is what gets you jobs.

It also gets you happy.

But who cares about that?  Pardon my flippancy.  Happiness also attracts clients.  So love what you do, and be yourself about it.

My Latest at Impacting Culture: Learn From the Artists You Love



Wonder is the key.  And art based on the wonder of life is transformative.

Check out what I’ve learned from the artists I love, from G.K. Chesterton to Bob Dylan.




Latest Freelance: Beauty, and the Tyrant of Utility


You can find one of my latest contributions on art, culture, and our low-stepping regard for creativity HERE.

Beauty, you know, may take a lot out of us.  To create can be as draining as giving birth.  But you get a new never-before-seen and never-to-be-seen-again life out of a birth.

You only get bullets out of a factory assembly line.