So You Want To Social Media. . .


And you dive in, and realize: BAM! Socia Media is a language

SO what do you do? Well, every language has rules. They’re called grammar.

You start to create a file of rules and gauges for what means what in the digital media communication sphere…

…until you figure out that Social Media isn’t so much a complete language as a dialect or slang because actual languages don’t change every 5 seconds…

So you start hanging out, trying to be cool…

…until it hits you that trying to be cool is exactly what dates any slang the moment it’s spoken…

…and who really rules the slangugage sphere?

DUH. The people in the middle of it, the peeps who make the slang, and use the new coinage like it’s always been since the minute they blurted it.

So how will you speak Social Media?

You realize you have to know a little grammar.  But what you really have to do, is define the terms yourself: your voice is the next wave of this language.

Know it. Use it. Sound it strong.

So you start taking it serious SERIOUSLY…

…until you realize the only way to get out alive, and the only way to fit in a crazy tribe of slanguage-sphere social media, is actually to take it all lightly.

Take yourself lightly.

Have a sense of humor.

Rules? What rules?

Wait, then you realize …so you really want to social media. And the only way to do that? is to let go of the results, and dive in.

And how do you dive in to a new language?

DUH. Listen.

And talk.

And listen.

So you want to social media. Get on the tweet-time-vines-half-time-facebook-snapchat-climb-periscoping-dime.  Don’t try too hard. Enjoy.

My Latest at Freelancers Union: 5 things successful freelancers do to keep their sanity



“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”—Aristotle

The same can be said of sanity.

Check out these tips my latest at The Freelancers Union! You can bee on the ropes — and stay sane with these daily reminders:

The 5 Things Successful Freelancers Do To Keep Their Sanity.