Break It Down: Creativity and You


I recently came across this excellent article published by Freelancer’s Union.  Kate Hamill attacks the idea that “some people are creative” with a quick but balanced wit.

No excuses.  Creativity is human. Do you want to create?  It’s not about brain-balance, or the results of minority amusing internet quizzes. (Quizzes, which are — Hamill admits — worth a distracting dip now and then.)

Work makes inspiration at habit. Nothing, however, is a constant.  And there’s no fate that makes some wildly successful in so-called creativity and others doomed to drilling screws into doors.

Anyhow, check out the whole article, and pull up your trousers and get to work — creatively. No quizzes or excuses.

Read Stop Worrying About Being Creative”  by Kate Hamill