When To Post: Timing IS Everything


So when is the top time to post?  Everyone knows content on social media is in one side, out the other in a blink.

How do you catch the attention of your audience?

Shoot it out on time.  For social media, this can be a wobbly target.  But overall, whatever platform you’re using, Buffer Social shows that engagement is 18% higher on Thursdays than any other day.  You’re also most likely to pin the attention of a social media rover between 9pm and 1am if you’re tweeting or retweeting.

On Facebook, you may just bet best on having 90 minutes of primetime once you post — and those minutes will have the most eyes on Hump Day through Thursday, and posted 10am to 3pm.  If you’re going to repost, try 6-7pm.  But don’t post more than twice.  Even if you’re not getting the reaction you’re looking for, over-posting is the surefire way to get labeled annoying and ignored.

But in the end, if you really want to fine-tune it: Gauge your own audience. Followerwonk, a Twitter analytics tool, can pin when your target followers are out and about.  Make that your tweet time.

Take the time to do the same and analyze  Facebook followers as well.

Small businesses, personal bloggers, and others may not have time to go in depth.  So here’s your takeaway in a nutshell (or a tweet):

Tweet a minimum of 5 times per day, and aim at the evening.

Post to Facebook at least 10 times per week, during 10-3pm timeframe.

Use your unique voice.  Repeat.

Last but not least, keep learning.  Watch for patterns.  Ask your audience questions. Aim to engage — and do it on time.  Timing, like they say, is everything. Your social media posts might be missing out by being tardy.