Imagery: Thanksgiving — Recall What’s Valuable


A reflection for the week.

Our work can directly affect the workings of our world.  Pope Francis cuts to the core when he addresses an attitude that puts utility before human life — we are useful because we are valuable, but our value is never based on our ability to be useful.


Break It Down: Creativity and You


I recently came across this excellent article published by Freelancer’s Union.  Kate Hamill attacks the idea that “some people are creative” with a quick but balanced wit.

No excuses.  Creativity is human. Do you want to create?  It’s not about brain-balance, or the results of minority amusing internet quizzes. (Quizzes, which are — Hamill admits — worth a distracting dip now and then.)

Work makes inspiration at habit. Nothing, however, is a constant.  And there’s no fate that makes some wildly successful in so-called creativity and others doomed to drilling screws into doors.

Anyhow, check out the whole article, and pull up your trousers and get to work — creatively. No quizzes or excuses.

Read Stop Worrying About Being Creative”  by Kate Hamill