

C.J. has been a successful freelancer in all areas of writing since before completing her undergrad.  She served as fiction editor to THE WALL literary journal through the first two years of college, has written for national news sources, including The Orange County Register, The Irish Times, and The National Catholic Register. Her work has been published in travel journals, literary magazines, and used by Hollywood producers for movie marketing. In 2016, she re-launched a literary journal. She continues to serve as chief editor for each of Shiki’s Strings & Small Things’ quarterly issues.

She also regularly writes newsletters for local non-profits, and has consulted with businesses in and outside of Massachusetts on best social media practices, writing well for social media, and integrating connection with connectivity.

She also writes cover letters and formats resumes give clients the edge to get past the paper-stack and into the interview chair.

  • Do you need an engaging email for your subscribers?
  • Resume re-write?
  • Copy for your new website?
  • Ghost-writer for your blog or memoir?
  • Travel or culture content for your journal or magazine?
  • Marketing and social media director for your latest project?

From creative to business writing, C.J. can take your words to the next level.

Hire Me!

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